Supporting the development of effective strategies and advising on technical aspects of your social inclusion, human rights, peace and development work.

We devise and facilitate processes for you and your stakeholders to sharpen strategic thinking, reflect on successes/challenges and assure quality.  We use our diverse experience with decision-makers, funders, policy makers, practitioners and communities to enrich your understanding and approach to organisational development, governance and programme management.

Our advice, management and coordination services include:

  • Strategic planning
  • Business planning
  • Reviews
  • Trustee/board training and development
  • Workshop and retreat facilitation
  • Technical advice and support on gender/women's empowerment, human rights, social inclusion, organisational development and capacity building
  • Programme management and coordination/team leading

How we help:

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse –New York, Guatemala, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana and Italy


We delivered a long-term assignment (2008-10) to address the issue of sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers through training. The brief involved facilitating the annual chiefs' workshops, developing peacekeeping training curricula and UN staff development. We also provided UN DPKO, peacekeeping missions and Member States with technical assistance and policy guidance on sexual exploitation and abuse training.

We worked with senior staff to design and develop user-friendly pre-deployment and induction training materials for 124,000 peacekeeping personnel. We then supported strategic peacekeeping training institutions to roll out the materials through training of trainer in Central America, West Africa and Europe.

Lastly, we supported UN staff leading on conduct and discipline in field missions to contextualise their work and make greater use of their community of practice by auditing training and improving staff training provision. We piloted induction training for conduct and discipline focal points and helped make the case for regular funding to train newly-appointed conduct and discipline staff.